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WEE CARE JP encourages children to develop their social, emotional, cognitive and physical skills through the foundation of play.

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About Wee Care JP

At Wee Care JP, our school is built to reflect Jamaica Plain, where we're located. We strive to make our children's lives as rich as possible through our inclusive, multi-cultural and anti-bias (including LGBTQ+) curriculum while delivering solid academic and social skills to fully prepare children for their next educational steps. We stress group learning to teach cooperation and problem-solving, while encouraging self-directed individual expression and exploration. The classroom environment is set up to enhance a child’s self-worth and build creativity. We incorporate lots of outside time and field trips. All of these components are combined with developmentally appropriate activities under the guidance of knowledgeable, compassionate, qualified, and supportive staff.

Faint picture of colored pencils arranged in spiral. Image by Mahbod Akhzami

About Alicia Jno﹘Baptiste

Alicia Jno-Baptiste, Wee Care JP Director

I have 30 years experience in the daycare field. I joined Wee Care JP as Director in 2004, working in that role for 10 years. I then became the owner, buying the school and building in 2015. I'm originally from Roxbury. I went to college in Newton, MA and worked at a daycare there. I saw a difference in the knowledge offered to the children in the two neighborhoods, and wanted to know why. While I continued working in early education, including at Wee Care JP, I researched for six years, got my degree and brought my knowledge to all the neighborhoods I touched. I want all children to feel love, enjoy fun and playful experiences, exercise choices, and be given the academic foundation and independent skills they need to be successful in elementary school. I run the school from my heart, which is always about the children's well-being, while keeping to excellent standards for safety and education. The children always come first.


Ages and Stages


7:30 am-6:00 pm

We serve children 15  months - 5 years with fewer days closed than most daycare centers. Rates cover all hours and days without extra costs.

small black child smiling


2-3 years old

Older toddlers and young preschoolers, with their new language skills in tow, take off! Games grow more complex and they learn cooperative play.

black boy preeschool age


15 months -

2 years old

More structure in this room so the kids can pursue their chief job: explore, explore, explore!

two white toddlers smiling


3-5 years old

 The circle of exploration grows and grows as children gather the skills they need to be well-prepared for kindergarten.

preeschool aged white girl playing in a cardboard box
Using a Touch Phone

Contact Us


Early education Center

Wee Care JP
305 Lamartine Street
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Phone: 617-522-7901


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